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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

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This section provides information about the concepts behind Knowledge Bridge.


This material is presented in the logical order that is listed below in the form of links.


By "logical order," we mean that later concepts build on earlier material. In many cases, a good grasp of the earlier material is necessary for a full understanding of a later topic.

Note that you can read this material sequentially (by clicking on NextArrow in the top navigation bar as you finish each section.)


If you follow any links that you find embedded in this material, use your browser"s Back function to return to the topic whose link you clicked.


Introduction to kBridge Concepts

    What is Knowledge Bridge?

    What is Rule-Based Design?


Designs and Mixins



Children/Child Groups

Model Tree

Reference Chains





CAD Integrations


Microsoft Excel Integration

Microsoft Word Integration

Integrations and the kBridge API

Implementation Strategies

    The Engineering Intent Methodology

Troubleshooting and Debugging

Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment