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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8

Navigation: Concepts


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kBridge is a cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) product. You access it via a web browser. So, how do you interact with it when you need to supply files to the kBridge application, or if your kBridge application creates files? That is what resources are for.

Resources allow you to import into your Project a range of external resources, including DLLs, STL files, Word templates, database data, spreadsheets, CAD templates and so on. Resources also allow you to export or send system outputs to your local machine.

After import, resources are stored with your Project and become available by clicking on them.

You can include or refer to your resources in Rules simply by clicking on the resource while editing the Rule. Doing so will paste a special reference to the resource into your Rule.

To import an external file, right-click on the "Resources" folder and select "Import Resource...". Resources can also be used at run-time, allowing an end-user to supply an input file, for example an Excel file, or retrieve an output file, such as a quote document. Resources can also be used by Rule authors to supply files that are used directly by the application, such as database files or STL files.

Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment