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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8

Navigation: Concepts

Reference Chains

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Reference chains appear in the formula for a Rule and are our way of getting access to the value of another Rule when we are calculating the Rule’s value.

The syntax for referencing a Rule from the current part is simply:

this.<Rule Name>

For example, referencing the Length of the table from the Width Rule would be


There are two ways to reference down the tree. The syntax for the first way is:

 this.<Child group name>.<childname><index>.<Rule name>

So, for example, the width of the TableTop would be


Alternatively, you can do this:

 this.<Child group name>.children[<expression for index>].<Rule name>

So, for example:


NOTE:  In the place of 0, you can have a expression. This is extremely useful for determining which Child to reference based on a Rule.

To go further down the tree from the root:


You can use .parent to go one level up.

<discussion of good vs bad referencing>

Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment