The Inventor integration includes an installation package that contains an Inventor Add-In. This add-in must be installed in Inventor. It enables the user to send and receive kBridge data within Inventor. For details of this installation, see Technical details for setup in Inventor.
We don’t want to put the DrawingDocuments permanently inside the existing Table project, so we will make a new Model by making a new Design and setting that Design the root. Table and DrawingDocuments will be its children.
Make a design called TableApplication with InvApplication and BaseAssembly for its mixins.
Right click on TableApplication in the Project tree and select ‘Set as Root’.
Then in Project Tree/Models right click on TableApplication1 and Set as Default.
Drag Tables from the project tree into TableApplication1
Set the following parameter values for your Table dimensions for this lesson:
length = 55
width = 32
height = 32
load = 250
MaxSpacing = 55
NOTE: If you plan to have more then one project in your Table Project it is a good idea to have unique names for your designs. For example, instead of creating a design and giving it a generic name like ‘DrawingDocument’, give it a unique name like ‘DrawingDocumentTable’. This way you will avoid run time conflict problems.
In the Project Tree/Table/Designs right click and select Create Folder. Name the New Folder DrawingDesigns. Right click on the DrawingDesigns folder and select New Design, name it DrawingDocumentTable and add InvDrawingDocument as the mixin.
Drag DrawingDocumentTable into the Model window and into TableApplication1.
In DrawingDocumentTable/Child Tab/ add these values:
invTemplate |
"Factory/Assembly_Inch.idw" |
String |
Inventor |
Cached |
invOutputFilePath |
"MemberFiles/Table Drawing Sheet.idw" |
String |
"" |
Inventor |
Cached |
In Inventor, open C:\Table\Factory\ Assembly_inch.idw.
Right click ‘Sheet:1’ and select Edit, then choose A3 from the size pulldown menu, OK.
Save the Assembly_inch.idw file.