Methodology for Choosing Between Using Multiple Children vs. One Child With Multiple Possible Designs |
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jgg [7 Feb 19 at 6:47 AM in Slack, kb-support]
When multiple designs are possible, you need to supply a designSet.
It [the designSet?] will show the union of all possible parameters.
5 replies
David Lovely
That is a nice feature! But that brings up a style question. Do you think its better to have a Child rule with designs that change, or different Child rules for different designs? For example, I have some cutters that can be either blocks or cylinders. I could make a cylinderCutter Child and a blockCutter Child rule, then a rule "cutter" that combines the lists of parts. Or I could make a "cutter" Child rule that could be either cylinders or blocks. In the past, I do the former to makes it easier to check that the children are getting the right inputs.
There isn"t a style rule here. Sometimes it makes more sense to do it one way or another. Generally, widely different Designs don"t make sense to combine into one. It mostly makes sense when the Designs share a common set of parameters, with only a few secondary parameters that are different.