A JavaScript Object consists of a { propertyName : value } expression in curly brackets. The value can then be evaluated. It is a means of storing, manipulating, and retrieving variables.
propertyName can be any name you give it, or the name of a defined kBridge object.
Value can be an expression, a formula, or objects.
For example:
newLength : 3 + 4
// newLength is 7
newLength : this.length*2
// assuming this.length is 100, newLength = 200
Position : Origin
// since Origin is a property of kBridge Position,
// this returns an array with the x, y, z coordinates of the origin
When working with user-defined objects, the property can be whatever you declare after the colon:
contactHeads : "name", "phone", "address"
// resulting in a self-contained JavaScript structure