Generally, you will begin a new Project by creating a new Design. You can also import and/or copy Models and Designs from other Projects, including Projects shared by you, at any time.
A good way to begin building a Model is to start with a Design at a high level. For example, if your goal is to model a rules-based table (as you will be doing in this guide), best practices say that you should begin building the table Design, a base Design, then work your way down to subordinate Designs (Children in kBridge terms). You do this rather than beginning, say, with one leg and working your way up to a whole table. See How to Approach an Engineering Automation Project for a fuller discussion of alternatives.
Later, you can raise or lower the horizon of your concept. For example, you might be designing furniture to fit a series of similarly-designed university dormitory rooms. Your table Design can easily be incorporated into an over-arching generic dorm room Design - and that room can be made subordinate to an entire dorm floor Design, and so on.
When you created your MyTable Project, kBridge automatically created a MyTable Design and a MyTable Model. Further, kBridge automatically set your MyTable Model as the default, sometimes referred to as the "root design" in your Model.
In this guide, you will be adding Designs and Models to the Project Tree and Models to the Model Tree.