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Navigation: Self-guided Training > Unit 5: Parameters > Parameters Unit Exercise

Changing the Quantity of Children from the Parent

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We’ll finish this Unit by preparing the Model for the next Unit, Position & Orientation.  In that Unit, you will learn how to position the element or to constrain one element of an assembly to another one in a specific geometric relationship.


Driving the quantity of leg pairs based on a Table (parent) Rule


1.If you have not done so, change the rendering of the LegPair back to shaded with edges.

2.Click on the Edit icon to the right of the Quantity slot.

3.In the Formula Editor, change the the LegPair Child Rule quantity value so that it will draw from the Table’s numberOfLegs Rule. You do this by specifying Quantity as : this.numberOfLegs


Context tab: Change Quantity using a formula. Model tree: note new individual LegPairs 0-4.

Context tab: Change Quantity using a formula. Model tree: note new individual LegPairs 0-4.


When you Apply the change, the view in the Graphics Window will remain the same (since no Positioning Constraints have yet been established and all the LegPairs are superimposed on themselves) but the Model Tree will show multiple Instances of the LegPair Children.


Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment