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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8

Navigation: Self-guided Training > Unit 3: Rules

A Note on Rule and Design Naming

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Engineering Intent follows the lower camelCase naming convention for Rules  and the Upper CamelCase convention for Designs within kBridge.


NOTE: This was a new modality as of January, 2019. Older materials (and some portions of this Help file) may not reflect the following naming conventions.


The lower camelCase convention stipulates that a key term, such as a Rule, carries a name whose first letter is lower case. Any additional words required for a proper description are directly concatenated and the additional word's initial letter capitalized. Examples of lower camelCase are:








For Design names, we use Upper CamelCase conventions, as follows:






This kind of notation helps in differentiating Design names from Rule names in a Reference string, for example. If you want to express that a table's top is as wide as it is high, width might be given a Rule that states this.TableTop.height. Here, "this" indicates it belongs to the Model or Design being edited, "TableTop" is the Design itself, and "height" is the key term.

Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment