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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8


In this exercise you will practice:

How to add Rules to a Design

How to write formulas

How to reference other Rules in formulas


When you finish this exercise

You will have created or edited Rules embedded in the MyTable Design. When these rules contain expressions, those expressions ripple on down the Design tree.

Associated and subordinate designs can thus be altered automatically when higher design parameters are changed.


What does it mean to edit Design Rules?

When you are editing a Design Rule, you are acting as an engineering developer or Designer. All table models that will be generated later by your table Design will contain the same width Rule—but note that at any time, in any downstream model of your Design, the width Rule can be superseded (overridden) by a Parameter Rule.


In the next chapter, you will be working with Parameters, which for the purposes of this discussion are Rules that have been made accessible to ordinary (run-time) users. For example, Parameters can be changed by non-technical personnel, whose changes will not change or alter the underlying Design or Rules of an object, but will result in a specific Design instance based on the changed Parameters.

More about user roles in kBridge See more about user roles in kBridge


Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment