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The rendering support for all wire designs.




__mat3: String

Internal Use Only

Flags : Cached (Note this is uncached)

Expression : R.THREE.setMaterial(this.__mod3, this.wireMaterial)


wireColor: String

This is the color attribute of the wire. This should be an RGB value or an existing predefined color name.

Flags : Cached, Parameter (Note this is uncached)

Expression : this.color


wireMaterial: String

Internal Use Only

Flags : Cached (Note this is uncached)

Expression : R.THREE.wireRenderCombine(this.wireColor, this.wireWeight, this.wirePattern)


wirePattern: Array

An array of lengths, in world units, for dashes and gaps of a repeating pattern. Like a [0.1, 0.5]. A length of zero will create a 'dot' in the pattern. This will always be an array of even length.

Flags : Cached, Parameter (Note this is uncached)

Expression : []


wireWeight: Number

The relative thickness of the wire, where 1.0 is 'normal'. Zero is the minimum renderable thickness, which can be invisible in some environments (like PDF).

Flags : Cached, Parameter (Note this is uncached)

Expression : 1.0