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Defines a solid formed by sweeping a planar Profile along a path.

Neither the profile nor the path is consumed in this process.

A sweep works by placing copies of the profile at intervals along the path. For best results, the smallest radius of the path should be large enough so that the result does not self-intersect, although this is not checked. By default, the path is broken into resolution segments, and a copy of the profile will be placed at each segment point.




options: Any

Optional controlling values. The currently accepted option names (case-sensitive) and values are as follows: reversePath true/false if path should be traversed in the reverse direction from its definition. pathSegments integer which determines the number of steps for the sweep to take along the path. pathNormals is an array of Vectors which supply normals for each step along the path (pathSegments+1). The vector is used to define the 'up' direction for the profile (the profile +Y direction), which defaults to unitZ.

Flags : Cached, Parameter (Note this is uncached)

Expression : {pathSegments: this.resolution}


path: Model

The path along which to sweep the profile.

Flags : Cached, Parameter, Required (Note this is uncached)

Expression : ``


pathLength: Number

Returns the length of the path.

Flags : Cached (Note this is uncached)

Expression : R.geom.computePathLength(this.path)


profile: Model

The Profile to be swept. This does not need to be positioned at the 'start' of the sweep path. The system uses the defining Frame of the Profile and positions its origin along the path.

Flags : Cached, Parameter, Required (Note this is uncached)

Expression : ``


resolution: Number

The number of divisions in the path direction.

Flags : Cached, Parameter (Note this is uncached)

Expression : 5