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A Camera defines a view. It also creates a virtual physical camera object in the scene it is placed in. A Camera looks from the eye point to the target point (the 'view vector'), with the up vector used to define which direction is 'up' in the resulting view.

NOTE: A Camera child must be defined in a 3D world scene, not under a DrawingSheet.




autoFit: Boolean

Determines whether the view should autofit the scene contents.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : true


bbox: Any

Override of the standard bbox rule to return an empty box, so the camera does not contribute to the bounding box of its parent.

Flags : Cached (Note this is uncached)

Expression : R.THREE.makeBB();


cameraRestrictions: Any

Expects an object that describes the restrictions for camera movements. Default is null meaning no restriction.

maxZoom: 1, // How far you can zoom in ( OrthographicCamera only ). Default is Infinity.
minZoom: 0.5, // How far you can zoom out ( OrthographicCamera only ). Default is 0.
minPolarAngle: 0, // How far you can orbit vertically, lower limit. Range is 0 to 180 deg. No restriction if not set.
maxPolarAngle: 180, // How far you can orbit vertically, upper limit. Range is 0 to 180 deg. No restriction if not set.
minAzimuthAngle: -90,  //  How far you can orbit horizontally, lower limit. If set, the interval [ min, max ] must be a sub-interval of [ - 360, 360 ], with ( max - min < 2 PI ). No restriction if not set.
maxAzimuthAngle: 90,  // How far you can orbit horizontally, upper limit. If set, the interval [ min, max ] must be a sub-interval of [ - 360, 360 ], with ( max - min < 2 PI ). No restriction if not set.
center: p(0,0,0), // The center of the camera space and plane coplanar point.
planeNormal: v(0, 0, 1), // Half-space is defined by the positive normal from the center point.
minDistance: 0.5, // How far you can dolly in ( PerspectiveCamera only ). Default is 0.
maxDistance: 5 // How far you can dolly out ( PerspectiveCamera only ). Default is Infinity.

Flags : Cached, Parameter, Spec (Note this is uncached)

Expression : null


cameraType: String

One of 'Orthographic' or 'Perspective'.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : "Orthographic"


eye: Point

The point where the camera is located.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : p(0,0,1,


far: Number

The distance from the eye to the far-clipping plane. If negative, the system will set this automatically.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : -1


fov: Number

Perspective camera frustum vertical field of view, from bottom to top of view, in degrees.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : 50


minHeight: Number

Orthographic camera minimal frustum height. Ignored if autoFit is true.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : 2


minWidth: Number

Orthographic camera minimal frustum width. Ignored if autoFit is true.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : 2


near: Number

The distance from the eye to the near-clipping plane. If negative, the system will set this automatically.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : -1


showHelper: Boolean

If set to true, shows a visible representation of the camera in the scene.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : false


spec: Any

Internal Use Only.

Flags : Cached (Note this is uncached)

Expression : {viewName: this.viewName, cameraType: this.cameraType, cameraRestrictions: this.cameraRestrictions, eye: this.eye, target:, up: this.up, autoFit: this.autoFit, near: this.near, far: this.far, minWidth: this.minWidth, minHeight: this.minHeight, fov: this.fov, includeLayers: this.includeLayers, excludeLayers: this.excludeLayers}


target: Point

The point that the Camera is looking toward.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : p(0,0,0,


up: Vector

The vector which defines 'up' in the view. Does not need to be orthogonal to the view vector, but must not be parallel to it.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : v(0,1,0,


viewName: String

The name of the view modeled by this camera.

Flags : cached, Parameter

Expression : "Top"