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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8


Simple referencing of rules within a given model is done by simply typing "this." in front of it, meaning "the object we're editing."  The syntax for referencing a Rule from the current part is simply:

this.<Rule Name>


For example, to reference the length of the table from the width Rule, you specify:



Examples of "This" in action:


07_01_02-01 This


07_01_02-02 Child Index


Child and Index

In the Child Rule context, there is a special reference – Child. Child allows you to reach down to the Child under a Child group to get the value of a property in the Child. NOTE: All children have a special property called index, which indicates which Child it is. The index of the first Child is 0, the second Child index is 1, and so on.



Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment