1. You can read this file sequentially by clicking on the right, up, and left arrows at the upper right.
Up takes to you to the previous topic.
2. There are a search and a keyword index that you can access by clicking on their tab in the primary text pane.
3. When you see in-text links preceded by "+," they have information that will be presented to you via a drop-down toggle when you click them. Click again and the information drop-down closes.
4. You can create a new tab that contains the topic you are currently accessing by clicking the "New Tab" icon at the upper left. This new tab does not persist after you leave the help Web site.
There is a "Send Mail Feedback" option in the "More" hamburger menu dropdown, upper right. It uses the standard HTML "mailto:" that uses your email client to send the message. If you use Outlook, an Outlook outgoing message will open, populated by your name, our email address (Documentation@EngineeringIntent.com) and the title of the current help topic in the Subject line.
Unfortunately, if you have other options such as gmail, the feedback button doesn"t work. You can, however, tell your browser to use your preferred means of emailing.
Every browser and every mail client has a different sequence of steps. Because no single solution covers every eventuality, we have to ask you to use an internet search to find the instructions for your browser and client.