Inherited Designs are called "Mixins." Inheritance enables one Design to acquire, or inherit, Rules from another Design, allowing the encapsulation, modularization and sharing of Designs in many places. If rules with the same name exist in more than one Mixin, which rule is used is determined by Mixin order.
If there is more than one inherited Design (shown in the Mixin list on the Context Window), Mixin precedence of which Rule is determined by the order of the inheritance. Inherited Designs early in the list take precedence over later Designs, and it is easy to change the order of the Mixins. That is, when design A inherits another design, B, design A simply acquires all of the rules that are in B. The exception is when A already has a rule of the same name, in which case A just keeps its rule, which is said to override the inherited rule.
Click on the Mixin whose order you want to change. In the example above, let"s say that you want to move BaseAssembly above Block. Click on BaseAssembly to select it, then click on the circled up-arrow,. The same process is used to move a Mixin down with the down-arrow to the right of the up-arrow.
To add a Mixin, click on the + icon.
To delete a Mixin, click on the Mixin to select it, then click on the x icon.