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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8

Navigation: Self-guided Training > Unit 5: Parameters

What is a Parameter Rule?

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When you edit a Rule, you are acting in the role of rule author — a developer or designer.


When another user, a runtime user, works with Parameters, the Parameter Rules are accessible to that person. For example, Parameters can be changed by non-technical personnel, whose changes will not change or alter the underlying Design or Rules of an object, but these changes will result in changes to a specific Design Instance based on those changed Parameters .


A Parameter Rule is not a Parameter—see What is a Parameter (next topic) for more explanation.

A Parameter Rule is an otherwise normal Rule in a Design that has its Parameter flag set.

The Parameter flag tells kBridge that the Rule can be an input to the Design.

These Parameter rules have a value or expression, just like a normal Rule. This value or expression, which is put there by the designer/developer,  is the default.

If a value is not supplied as input to the Parameter Rule by the end user, the default expression is evaluated instead.

Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment