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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8


The available drawing utility package for Knowledge Bridge includes a range of Designs and Mixins that allow you to output drawings from kBridge applications. "Drawings" in this context are virtual 2D representations that mimic paper or electronic sheets with object visualizations plus dimensions and dimension lines, title blocks, text notes, and the like.


House_Model House_Drawing


More than CAD-like Output

Because kBridge drawings are generated on the fly directly from rules and interactive configurations, your drawings are always up-to-date and they are inherently customized. In other words, they are intelligent drawings—or more precisely, drawings instantly taken off current models in a given kBridge Project.


From the kBridge repository of demos: A significant re-design of the house, above, which took about 2 minutes, results in the following model and its accompanying drawing:

HouseL_Model HouseL_Drawing


Output details and complexity are user-definable, so that a given visual output can be as simple or as complete as you like.


Technical Reference Exists for Many Drawings Designs & Mixins

The K4 Base Library Designs section of this help contains many of the Designs and Mixins that are useful in creating drawings.

Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment