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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8

Navigation: Self-guided Training

Unit 12: JavaScript as Rule Language

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JavaScript is the language of Knowledge Bridge. You have been using JavaScript to write your Rules in Knowledge Bridge. In other words, JavaScript is the underlying language of the rules. There’s a lot more to JavaScript. Some of the kBridge-specific content can be found in the Reference section of this documentation, under Notes on kBridge"s Rule Syntax. This includes select JavaScript information plus common kBridge keywords.


Good Online Tutorial

For a good basic yet comprehensive tutorial on JavaScript in general, visit

Note: it is not necessary to complete that tutorial to use kBridge.


Plus More Right Here

Also, there is a more comprehensive discussion in this help file in the Concepts section Notes on kBridge's Rule Syntax.




In this unit, we cover the basics to know, as follows:

ostatements (;)




oif then else

oLocal variables





Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment