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Navigation: Self-guided Training > Unit 8: Inheritance

Inheritance at Work - Precedence

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As you use Mixins, be aware that you can control the order of precedence for mixed-in Rules. Note how, in the following example, the numerical value of a Rule depends on the order of Mixins in the Context Window"s Mixins box.


1.Create two new Designs A and B.

2.In Design A, add a Rule (number) AValue with a default value of 1 in Design A

3.In Design B, Add a Rule with the same name, AValue, with a default value equal to 2.




4. Create an InheritanceTest Design and Mixin Designs A and B.




Note that in the Mixins list, A is above B.


5. In the Immediate Window, check the value of AValue. It should be 1.




6. In InheritanceTest, change the order of Mixins, moving B above A.

7.  In the Immediate Window, again check the value of AValue. The value should now be 2.

Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment