This topic also covers conditional operators.
if... then... expressions are found here.
& (and), | (is), ! (not is) , != (not equal)
Comparisons use logical operators to test equalities or differences between values / variables. JavaScript syntax here is important, as some operators are used singly (e.g., >), some doubled (e.g. ==) and some tripled (===).
Given that x = 7:
// equal to = =
x = = 9
// returns false
x = = 7
// returns true
// equal value and equal type = = =
x = = = 7
//returns true
x = = = "7"
// returns false
// not equal ! =
x ! = 8
// returns true
Other comparative operators include > (greater than), < (less than), >= (greater than or equal), <= (less than or equal).
For more (via external links):