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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8


EXERCISE: BooleanSolid                                                      



In this exercise we'll create a new project named: BooleanSolidExample . The finished project will look similar to a 'Paulk' style workbench.

Instead of making all of the sides and internal support panels separately and connecting them all together, we'll use the BooleanSolid design to remove space from a block.

The finished top will look as though it was built with 3/4 inch plywood panels.





We'll make a LegIntersection that will use the Intersection operation. The Intersection operation will use

1 Cylinder as the 'tools' and 1 Block as the 'target' to make one solid model. Only the areas that Intersects are kept.










Project Example:

In your kBridge Examples Projects folder open the project called ‘BooleanSolidExample’.



You can use this project as an example as you build your own project in the exercise.






Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment