EXERCISE: BooleanSolid
In this exercise we'll create a new project named: BooleanSolidExample . The finished project will look similar to a 'Paulk' style workbench.
Instead of making all of the sides and internal support panels separately and connecting them all together, we'll use the BooleanSolid design to remove space from a block.
The finished top will look as though it was built with 3/4 inch plywood panels.
We'll make a LegIntersection that will use the Intersection operation. The Intersection operation will use
1 Cylinder as the 'tools' and 1 Block as the 'target' to make one solid model. Only the areas that Intersects are kept.

Project Example:
In your kBridge Examples Projects folder open the project called ‘BooleanSolidExample’.

You can use this project as an example as you build your own project in the exercise.