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Knowledge Bridge Documentation

Help version: 3.3.8


Create a RoundLeg Design that mixes in the Cylinder Design. Remove BaseAssembly from RoundLeg's Design. (We're going to proceed as cleanly as possible from here on out: Cylinder contains BaseAssembly, so it's fine to remove BaseAssembly from RoundLeg. There is no harm in keeping it, but removing the duplicate Mixin saves a tiny bit of overhead.)


Add a Cached, Parameter rule to the RoundLeg Design called size and make its formula 1.


Next, override the radius rule from the Cylinder Design Mixin. The new override rule is not a Parameter rule and its category is not Inputs but Geometry. The override has the following formula:


 this.size / 2


Now the RoundLeg takes a "size" Parameter that will define the radius of the leg, just as a "size" Parameter drives the length and width in the SquareLeg Design.



Knowledge Bridge from Engingeering Intent is a full-featured engineering and sales automation environment